Collaboration with programmer Elliott Black. Fabric structure and interactive projection with game controller.


This work is part of the ongoing Vide Magmas project, an imaginary girl gang of six characters, each a refracted piece of the artists identity. 

‘Pink Pavillion’ is an interactive projection on a partially walled fabric pavillion, where the viewer can walk one of the girl gang characters through an endless pink expanse with a game controller. To create it, a rotoscope animation loop was drawn for the charater when idle, and a second animation for when the character is walking. ‘Pink Pavillion’ is an upturned rendering of a game, empty of purpose. Objects, characters and small looped animations generate at random in the expanse as the character walks at a permenantly flaneurise pace. This aimless game invites the viewer to be part of the girl gang, but without any goals the installaion remains a slippery, gauzy overlay that hangs on the edge of a fully formed narrative.